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C/C++ Source or Header
284 lines
// C++ Extention Header file for Cport Communications Library
// Copyright (c) 1993 Bri Productions
#ifndef _CPORT_HPP_
#define _CPORT_HPP_
// Cport class
class Cport
// Default values
enum {
DEF_RXQ = 1024,
DEF_TXQ = 512,
int open_err; // open errors
COM c; // serial port handle
int* ref_cnt; // reference count
// Constructors and destructor
Cport(unsigned id,
int baud,
byte mode = DEF_MODE,
unsigned rxQ = DEF_RXQ,
unsigned txQ = DEF_TXQ,
byte htype = OFF
Cport(unsigned id,
int baud,
byte mode,
unsigned rxQ,
unsigned txQ,
byte htype,
unsigned thresh
Cport (const CPARAM& param);
~Cport ();
// Copy constructor and assignment
Cport (Cport& cport);
Cport& operator= (Cport& cport);
// Typecasts
operator int() { return(open_err); }
operator COM() { return(c); }
int ref() { return(*ref_cnt); } // debug
// Control
void Handshake (byte htype, unsigned thresh);
void Param (CPARAM& param);
void Baud (int baud);
void Mode (byte mode);
int Tx (int cmnd);
void NS550 (int trigger);
static void Turbo (int options);
unsigned RxQ (unsigned size);
unsigned TxQ (unsigned size);
// Input
char Get ();
unsigned LenRx ();
char* Get (char *str, int maxc, char termc = '\n');
unsigned In (void *abyte, unsigned nbyte);
void FlushRx ();
char Peek ();
unsigned RxScan (char ch);
// Output
int Put (char _c);
unsigned LenTx ();
int Put (const char *str);
unsigned Out (const void *abyte, unsigned nbyte);
void FlushTx ();
void TxWait ();
// Status
unsigned Error ();
unsigned Status ();
void Out1 (byte on_off);
void Rts (byte on_off);
void Dtr (byte on_off);
int Uart ();
// Misc fuctions
void SetBreak ();
void ClrBreak ();
void Scratch (byte abyte);
byte Scratch ();
static byte Checksum (const void *abyte, unsigned nbyte);
static unsigned Crc16 (const void *abyte, unsigned nbyte);
static unsigned long Crc32 (const void *abyte, unsigned nbyte);
// Constructors and destructor
inline Cport::Cport(unsigned id, int baud, byte mode,
unsigned rxQ, unsigned txQ, byte htype)
*(ref_cnt = new int) = 1;
c = ComOpen(id, baud, mode, rxQ, txQ);
if((open_err = comopen_errno) == NO_ERR && htype != OFF)
ComHandshake(c, htype, (rxQ * 3) / 4);
inline Cport::Cport(unsigned id, int baud, byte mode,
unsigned rxQ, unsigned txQ, byte htype, unsigned thresh)
*(ref_cnt = new int) = 1;
c = ComOpen(id, baud, mode, rxQ, txQ);
if((open_err = comopen_errno) == NO_ERR && htype != OFF)
ComHandshake(c, htype, thresh);
inline Cport::Cport(const CPARAM& param)
*(ref_cnt = new int) = 1;
c = ComOpenS(¶m);
open_err = comopen_errno;
inline Cport::~Cport()
if(open_err == NO_ERR)
delete ref_cnt;
// Copy constructor and assignment
inline Cport::Cport(Cport& cport)
open_err = cport.open_err;
c = cport.c;
(*(ref_cnt = cport.ref_cnt))++;
inline Cport& Cport::operator=(Cport& cport)
if(open_err == NO_ERR)
delete ref_cnt;
open_err = cport.open_err;
c = cport.c;
(*(ref_cnt = cport.ref_cnt))++;
// Control
inline void Cport::Handshake (byte htype, unsigned thresh)
{ ComHandshake(c, htype, thresh); }
inline void Cport::Param (CPARAM& param) { ComParam(c, ¶m); }
inline void Cport::Baud (int baud) { ComBaud(c, baud); }
inline void Cport::Mode (byte mode) { ComMode(c, mode); }
inline int Cport::Tx (int on_off) { return(ComTx(c, on_off)); }
inline void Cport::NS550 (int trigger) { ComNS550(c, trigger); }
inline void Cport::Turbo (int options) { ComTurbo(options); }
inline unsigned Cport::RxQ (unsigned size) { return(ComRxQ(c,size)); }
inline unsigned Cport::TxQ (unsigned size) { return(ComTxQ(c,size)); }
// Input
inline char Cport::Get () { return(ComGetc(c)); }
inline unsigned Cport::LenRx () { return(ComLenRx(c)); }
inline char* Cport::Get (char *str, int max_c, char term_c)
{ return(ComGets(c, str, max_c, term_c)); }
inline unsigned Cport::In (void *abyte, unsigned n_byte)
{ return(ComIn(c, abyte, n_byte)); }
inline void Cport::FlushRx () { ComFlushRx(c); }
inline char Cport::Peek () { return(ComPeek(c)); }
inline unsigned Cport::RxScan (char ch) { return(ComRxScan(c, ch)); }
// Output
inline int Cport::Put (char _c) { return(ComPutc(c,_c )); }
inline unsigned Cport::LenTx () { return(ComLenTx(c)); }
inline int Cport::Put (const char *str) { return(ComPuts(c, str)); }
inline unsigned Cport::Out (const void *abyte, unsigned n_byte)
{ return(ComOut(c, abyte, n_byte)); }
inline void Cport::FlushTx () { ComFlushTx(c); }
inline void Cport::TxWait () { ComTxWait (c); }
// Status functions
inline unsigned Cport::Error () { return(ComError(c)); }
inline unsigned Cport::Status () { return(ComStatus(c)); }
inline void Cport::Out1 (byte on_off) { ComMcr(c, on_off, 0x04); }
inline void Cport::Rts (byte on_off) { ComMcr(c, on_off, 0x02); }
inline void Cport::Dtr (byte on_off) { ComMcr(c, on_off, 0x01); }
inline int Cport::Uart () { return(ComUart(c)); }
// Misc fuctions
inline void Cport::SetBreak () { ComSetBreak (c); }
inline void Cport::ClrBreak () { ComClrBreak (c); }
inline void Cport::Scratch(byte abyte) { ComPutScrtch(c, abyte); }
inline byte Cport::Scratch() { return(ComGetScrtch(c)); }
inline byte Cport::Checksum (const void *abyte, unsigned nbyte)
{ return(ComChecksum(abyte, nbyte)); }
inline unsigned Cport::Crc16 (const void *abyte, unsigned nbyte)
{ return(ComCrc16(abyte, nbyte)); }
inline unsigned long Cport::Crc32 (const void *abyte, unsigned nbyte)
{ return(ComCrc32(abyte, nbyte)); }
#endif // CPORT.HPP